Two Healing Mantras

Healing Mantras

It may sound like a cliche, but in all my years of being on this healing path, I have come to see very clearly that LOVE is the most powerful healing force and the best medicine.

In my younger years, I worked hard to “fix” the parts of myself I did not like. This ranged from trying to whip my body into shape to disowning parts of myself that I was ashamed of…the part that got angry for example because I was so scared of the fiery energy of anger.

Over the years, I learned that rejecting any part of myself was a form of violence and a kind of abuse. We can bully or ignore parts of ourselves and feel fine for a time, but the hurt and pain of treating oneself so harshly lingers beneath the surface.

All beings need love, understanding, and appreciation to heal, grow, and thrive. One of the most powerful ways we can heal the hurt/wounded parts of ourselves is to love them. We can do this by accepting and caring for those parts instead of trying to push them aside.

Another very powerful way we can heal is to understand that we are created from love and are loved eternally. There is absolutely nothing we need to do to prove our worth or earn love. Spirit loves us unconditionally and is constantly showering love on us.

Our job is to open our hearts, know we are worthy, and let the love of the divine fill us up. Here are two mantras that I find very helpful in reconnecting to our hearts and healing with love:

1) This first mantra came to me during a ceremony. It can serve as a beautiful affirmation/reminder that we can repeat daily to help us remember to open our hearts and let the love shining on us in.

I recommend placing both hands on your heart and saying this mantra after any form of meditation or prayer. Visualize the love and light of the divine shining on you and pouring into your body as you repeat the following:

I am loved. I am so deeply loved.

I am loved unconditionally.

I am loved eternally.

I am loved just as I am.

I am loved. I am so deeply loved.

2) This second mantra is from the end of a body mind appreciation meditation from Deb Shapiro’s Your Body Speaks Your Mind book. It’s a wonderful one to repeat after doing any form of self-healing, meditation, or any practice that connects you with your body and being. I recommend placing one hand on your heart and one on your belly as your repeat the following:

May I be well. May all of me be well.

May the healing power of love be with me always.

I hope you enjoy these healing mantras. If you have any questions or would like to share your experience in working with them, please don’t hesitate to email me at

Big hugs and blessings to you on your journey to welcoming in more love and light.