My Mantra for the Coming Year

Transforming Fear

Last week, I turned 44. In preparation for it, I embarked on a 44-Day Mental Cleanse, which included taking a break from social media, having boundaries around email and technology use, and slowing down to listen to my inner guidance instead of all the noise we get bombarded with.

Keeping with the cleanse theme, I decided I wanted to really clean house as I got ready for a new year of life. So the night before my birthday, I found myself cleaning my bathroom, reorganizing things in my kitchen, and moving furniture because I was having carpet cleaners come in the morning.

As I was listening to music while getting my home spruced up, the following words came to mind: “I can figure ANY shit out. No fear. Pure courage.” I suddenly felt a powerful surge of energy rush through me, and I went to write this down on the white board in my home office. This board has my top priorities on it, and I face it each day as I work at my desk. I wanted to make sure I didn’t forget what felt like an important motto for the coming year.

The next morning, I woke up early, did an energetic clearing of my home (see blog post on space clearing for how to do this yourself), vacuumed thoroughly, and had the carpet professionally deep cleaned. It felt so good to get a fresh, clean start to the year. Later, I went out for a celebratory meal, and then had a healing session with one of my teachers.

It was really such a blessing to get a healing session on my birthday, and during the session, she asked me one of my favorite question, “If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you want to create in the coming year?” Before I could answer, she pointed out that this didn’t have to be something material or external. It could be something personal and internal.

The words “Unwavering Courage” came out of my mouth, and thus, my mantra for the coming year was set in motion.

To be honest, I’m a bit intimidated with this intention because I know it will mean potentially uncomfortable changes ahead. In my experience, when I set a firm intention and commit to it, a process of transformation gets set in motion, and I need to release what’s not in alignment with the new state I want to welcome in. This means I have to let go of old ways of being, which can be uncomfortable and challenging.

But I’m also very excited because I know it will mean a new level of personal growth and self-realization. I know it will mean a new level of TRUST, especially trust in myself. During my 44-day cleanse, I became acutely aware of how much we are bombarded by messages of fear. These messages have us question our abilities, our worth, and our choices.

In stepping into this mantra of “Unwavering Courage,” I don’t have any plans to do anything dramatic or daredevil-like. My intention is to continually move away from the external noise and messages of fear, and instead, listen to my heart and soul and come to trust myself more deeply.

Trust that I am strong and capable. Trust that no matter what, I can figure anything out. Trust that though I can’t control what happens around me, I can handle the surprises life brings. Trust that I can make the choices that are best for me even if they are different from the “norm.” Trust my body, my intuition, my heart, my spirit, my soul.

With this deep trust, I believe courage comes more naturally. When we trust ourselves, we can take greater risks. We can make decisions from a place of inner knowing and authentic truth instead of a place of fear. We can let go of patterns and energies that don’t serve us and provide a false sense of comfort/security. We can dare to live lives true to our essence dreams and heart’s longings.

Just writing that makes my heart sing! If any of this resonates with you, and you’d like to share any aspect of your journey and/or intentions with me, or if you have any questions, I invite you to email me at

I’m excited to see what the coming year brings and feel so blessed to share the journey with you. Thank you for being part of the Shamanic Soul Center community.

Big hugs and blessings to you,
