The Power & Benefits of Ceremony

Shamanic Ceremony

Do you ever feel uninspired? Like life is happening, but there isn’t much that excites you? Maybe you even feel lost, stuck, or have the feeling of just going through the motions of living without a great deal of joy. 

If you do, you’re certainly not alone. Many people feel quite uninspired and disconnected or even disenchanted with life. One of the reasons I think this happens is that we so easily lose touch with our hearts, our spirits, and the sacred magic of life.

We can get easily bogged down by the day to day demands of life and lose that sense of wonder and awe at the magnificence that is life and creation. Our spirits get depleted and we can experience a great deal of dis-ease in our hearts, minds, and bodies.

One very powerful and effective way to nourish our spirits and get re-inspired is through engagement in sacred ceremony. 

Ceremonies do not have to be big, elaborate, religious affairs. We can create simple, powerful, personal ceremonies that we do on our own. Or we can participate in larger gatherings of individuals from all walks of life coming together to commemorate a special occasion or event.

I recently had the great blessing of facilitating a ceremony honoring the Autumn Equinox. It was a beautiful, uplifting, healing get-together of people of all backgrounds and beliefs. 

The evening included a guided healing visualization journey, a walking meditation, and a ceremony of gratitude that incorporated offerings to the Earth and setting of new intentions for ourselves. It was a beautiful gathering and you can hear from a few of the participants what they gained from the evening:

Fortunately, I have the great blessing of participating in these types of ceremonies regularly, and I am always in awe of the powerful benefits being in sacred space provides. For me, ceremony is really about opening my heart and connecting with the divine/sacred beauty and energy of life. 

Engaging in this way is healing on many levels. It fills our hearts, renews our spirits, relaxes our bodies, and allows us to rest our minds. Participating in ceremony nourishes our spirits and gives us renewed energy to move forward feeling more centered and grounded in our personal truth.

We can create big ceremonies of celebration to mark life events, ceremonies to honor times of transition, ceremonies of healing, and ceremonies of blessing a space. Or we can simply light a candle and create a personal ceremony of healing, release, blessing, etc.

The point is to take a little time out to honor the sacred magic that exists in each of us and in all of life. In this way, we open ourselves up to the connection that feeds our hearts and nourishes our souls. All of life is a sacred ceremony, and when we connect to and live by this truth, we live inspired lives—every day.

If you are in the San Diego area and would like to participate in our Winter Solstice Ceremony, mark your calendar for December 21st and get more information on the event here. And if you would like any assistance or support in creating a ceremony for a special occasion, feel free to email me at